Rethinking Good & Evil/Bad šŸ˜ˆ

Daniel Adeyemi
4 min readApr 14, 2018


Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash

Iā€™d be honest with you, when I see a cute picture of a cat, two thoughts come to mind, Iā€™d really love to have a cat šŸ˜» in the midst of that thought Iā€™d be snapped back to reality by the reminder that Iā€™d probably run away from that same cat šŸ˜¹ out of fear šŸ™€ Welcome to being raised in a world where many movies portray cats as tools of the demons or wicked people. I saw too many movies growing up that even though I know itā€™s not true my mind thinks otherwise ( wait is it true?). Its no wonder over the Easter weekend when I casually mentioned that Iā€™d like to have a cat and a dog šŸ¶ to my aunt she said, ā€œerrm about that catā€, I knew where she was going. She didnā€™t have a strong point but then we were both victims of our environment. What makes a cat evil and a dog good? šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø

Photo by Mia Phoy on Unsplash

Over that same weekend I saw my Grandma and noticed she had a tattoo on her hands, and Iā€™m like šŸ˜Ž, I would most likely get a tattoo when it becomes less painful and less permanent ā€” maybe I can do a one year tattoo or something. Itā€™s often associated with being bad ā€” especially people who have many. A better question before itā€™s classified would be, What does the tattoo mean? What does it represent?

Tattoos fall into three broad categories: purely decorative (with no specific meaning); symbolic (with a specific meaning pertinent to the wearer); pictorial (a depiction of a specific person or item)

So someone tackled Lecrae that his neck piece was representing the dark side and he replied well.

My friend Oluchukwu Ejiofor who served in Uyo, Akwa Ibom got tackled recently because she wore an anklet because according to most people it was worn by Prostitutes and marine spirits.

Every spirit living in the water is known as marine spirit. Marine kingdom is the greatest kingdom of all evil demonic kingdoms. source

Dental braces are used to align and straighten teeth and help position them with regard to a personā€™s bite, while also aiming to improve dental health. Medicated Glasses are used to correct eye deficiency. Plastic surgery, According to NHS UK is used in repairing and reconstructing missing or damaged tissue and skin, usually because of surgery, illness, injury or an abnormality present from birth.

Abnormality from birth, what is abnormal? Plastic surgery like many others is a corrective measure on a defect. To what extent can go before a corrective measure is considered bad?

Good and Bad must stem from a moral compass or all it would forever be relative, In many instances, itā€™s pretty difficult to declare something as superficially good or bad/evil.

Moral Compass: anything which serves to guide a personā€™s decisions based on morals or virtues.

Whatā€™s your moral compass? What informs your moral compass?

Ravi Zacharias in his reply to the question If God exists, why doesnā€™t He stop rapists from raping? uses an Eastern folklore to conclude his answer.

The story is told in eastern folklore of a man who lost his horse that ran away, after the horse ran away the neighbour came to him and said ā€œYou have bad luck isnā€™t it, your horse is goneā€, The man-Owner of the horse replied ā€œYou know, what do I know about these things?ā€ Few days later the horse came back with 20 other wild horses and the neighbour came and said ā€œAmazing! itā€™s not bad luck, itā€™s good luck youā€™ve got 20 moreā€, the man said ā€œWhat do I know about these things?ā€, later the manā€™s young son goes about taming one of the horses, in the process the horse kicks him and breaks his leg, the neighbour comes and says ā€œTerrible isnā€™t it your sonā€™s leg is broken, bad luck that these horses cameā€, the man says what do I know about good luck and bad luck, few days go by and a bunch of thugs come looking for recruits to join their gang and their looking for young abled men and theyā€™re about to pick a young man when they find out that his leg is broken, they reject him, ā€œWeā€™re going to move to the next houseā€ they say, The neighbour comes and says to the man ā€œGood luck isnā€™t it? Your sonā€™s leg is broken.

How do we know an incident or event is/was bad? By what happens next?

Thanks for reading, I hope you learned something from my post. You can reach out on any platform @danieltadeyemi and visit my website where you can sign up for my newsletter to get monthly updates on my progress or what Iā€™m learning.



Daniel Adeyemi

Deliberate Amateur | Interested in business, design, storytelling, psychology, products, economics, technology |Find me @danieltadeyemi or